Submission guidelines

Journal scope

  • Construction and Architecture.

Requirements (content, style and length of submitted manuscript)

Submitted materials should:

  • not be previously published;
  • be written in Russian or English;
  • possess scientific novelty;
  • be written in scientific style;
  • not be less than 7000 characters, but no more than 40000 characters (including spaces). If the article exceeds the given amount of characters, we recommend dividing it into several articles.

Text structure and elements order

– Title;

– Abstract (a brief description of the content, objectives, research methods, main results and conclusions of the article). The length of the abstract should not be less than 700 or more than 2500 characters;

– Keywords;

– The text of an article should be structured. An example of a standard structure of a scientific article: introduction, research methods and principles, discussion, main results, conclusion (introduction and conclusion are mandatory);

– References (at least 10 sources).

Graphic elements

Graphic elements (tables and figures) should be informative and of high quality.


  • All the tables should have title.
  • Table should be mentioned and addressed in the article text (see. Table 1 etc.).
  • Table text should be homogeneous (same font and justification).
  • All the measurement units should be clear.


  • Figures are considered to be: schemes, diagrams, graphs, pictures, etc.
  • All the figures  should be of high quality (300 dpi). 
  • All the figures should be informative.
  • Figures should have titles and descriptions..
  • Figures should be mentioned and addressed in the article text (see. Fig. 1 etc.).
  • If a figure consists of several parts and has the same title, those parts should be tagged with a letter (a, b, c etc.).
  • Significative elements of the same figures are tagged with numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.).
  • Figures should be in color.

Addressing references in the article text

If you cite a source that is in the reference list, insert its number inside the square brackets. If there is a specific page you want to address in this resource, separate it by coma.

Example: «... on the available cognitive mechanisms [5, P. 206].»


References should include at least 10 sources.

References should be formatted according to Russian GOST 7.0.100-2018

Author IDs

In order to make it easier for authors to control the list of their publications, we recommend registering in the Science Index system of the Russian Science Citation Index (instruction), as well as getting an ORCID (instruction).