Research article
Issue: № 2 (10), 2018


Safety, security, and comfort of pedestrians are important to be accommodated by a pedestrian path, especially at night. This study aimed at measuring the quality of artificial lighting in the pedestrian path at Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative method by measuring visual perception of the pedestrian paths through semantic differential scale method. Results of visual perception of the quality of nighttime lighting were then analyzed by comparing the quantity of light at nighttime measured using a light meter. The quantity and quality of daylight were also measured as a comparison in the analysis process. From field observations, measurements and analysis, it was found that the quality of artificial lighting in the pedestrian path at Malioboro Street, did not meet the visual needs of pedestrians. In contrast, at daytime, the visual perception of the pedestrians indicated good results, but the lack of lighting led to different results at nighttime. It can be concluded that the quality of the lighting in pedestrian paths at Malioboro Street, should be improved through lighting design, which is able to meet the visual needs of the users. Good pedestrian path lighting will promote comfort, safety, and security of the users.

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