Research article
Issue: № 4 (16), 2019


This research is based on the scientific hypothesis about systemic nature at the dependence the indicators at functional and technological quality in completed construction facility on the initial quality at the structural solutions displayed in development and formation corresponding structural and construction systems. The subject of this research is the traditional types technological methods used to form architectural (construction) systems in low-rise buildings and structures. The relevance of this research is determined by assessing the scale at application traditional technological methods for the formation at the necessary functional quality of the considered material objects in architectural activity. As a result in this research, the main types (groups) traditional technological methods have been established that are widely used for the formation of building (architectural) systems in low-rise buildings and structures. The nature of the hierarchical interaction in constructive and building systems, as structural elements, at a common and holistic constructive solution an architectural (construction) object is revealed. In this research has been established a direct correlation dependence of the quality of construction products (low-rise construction projects) on the quality indicators at development and the practical implementation in design solutions for the initial architectural concept. Traditional technological methods at construction production characterize the accumulated materialized potential at the technical, intellectual development of the construction industry, reflecting the results achieved and the ways in transition to a new qualitative state. The life cycle and scale at the application traditional techniques is confirmed by examples the erection of traditional architectural systems and characterizes the dynamics and quality formation building products.

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