Research article
Issue: № 2 (26), 2022


The tendency of recent decades is the massive population loss by monotowns. This is due to the low living standards, the lack of a sufficient number of jobs, and the unsatisfactory quality of the urban environment. This process is called "shrinking" and is characterized primarily by prolonged depopulation. However, the decisions made in the area of urban planning still remain focused on growth. The article analyzes the complex theory of optimization as an alternative view of the development of shrinking cities. At the same time, special attention is paid to the proposed solutions in the area of spatial development, as fundamental one, in attempts to balance the capacities of the city and the needs of the population. On the example of German cities, the application of this theory in real urban planning is examined. Based on what has been studied in the framework of the work, the basic principles of urban planning optimization of shrinking industrial monotowns are established.

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