Research article
Issue: № 1 (25), 2022


The article discusses the issues of rational choice of materials and technologies in the design of anticorrosive protection systems of structures. The study presents an analysis of the requirements of technical and economic security of industrial facilities on the basis of alternative solutions of means of protection against corrosion destruction. It is shown that corrosion protection characterizes the ability to meet the established indicators of quality, reliability, and safety, taking into account organizational and technical measures that ensure the regular functioning throughout the life cycle (LC) of anticorrosive protection systems of structures.

The study carries out a systematic description of normative (basic, characteristic) impacts and representative values of corrosion aggressiveness factors. The calculated characteristics of corrosion resistance, durability, and maintainability of structures and their protective coatings are obtained on the basis of experimental data in accordance with the established standards for conducting definitive tests.

The design of structures takes into account the calculated quality models, the matrix of choosing the level of reliability and management of the development cycles of the anticorrosive protection systems of structures. The study proposes to substantiate the design indicators of the durability of steel structures taking into account the coefficients of reliability and readiness of anticorrosive protection. The reliability coefficients of primary and secondary protection take into account the uncertainty of the calculated models of corrosion protection of structures and structures. The preparedness coefficient of steel structures is adopted as a comprehensive indicator of maintainability for the analysis of options for structural and technological measures of primary and secondary protection.

The study substantiates the stages of parametric design of the anticorrosive protection systems of structures on the basis of a system analysis of the definitive signs of the corrosion state and a process approach to ensuring the technological safety of industrial facilities. The authors form a logistic system for reserving the survivability of structures in accordance with the requirements of the limit state design method.

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