Research article
Issue: № 1 (25), 2022


The paper describes the relevance of calculating buildings for seismic impacts on the territory of Russia. The authors indicate the advantages of using steel structures in the frames of office multi-storey buildings as well as the factors that affect the metal intensity. It is noted that in Russia, the research on the optimization of metal structures is undergoing successful development; however, their practical implementation in design practice is hindered by the high complexity and specialization of tasks. The optimal design solution for the frame of a multi-storey building should be sought while taking into account many factors and limitations, which complicates calculations. The purpose of modeling is achieved by developing an automated computer optimization system based on combining existing suitable computer programs into a single complex. The basis for the construction of the complex is a logicographic software processor Grasshopper 3D, which allows for creating a building frame with subsequent variation of geometric and other parameters of the frame. The complex also uses a number of interconnected existing programs such as Rhino 3D; SAP2000; Excel, etc. The study also introduces a model of a public building with a metal frame in the SCAD software package. The calculation was made for static loads and seismic intensities of 5, 6 and 7 points. The study also verifies expediency of increasing the cross-section by 20% in the design of earthquake-resistant buildings. The reinforcement of the building frame was carried out by installing additional structural elements. Based on the data obtained, the authors conduct an analysis and provide design recommendations.

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