Particularity of festive architectural lighting of culture object's facades

Research article
Issue: № 1 (17), 2020


This work is devoted to the festive lighting of architecture’s monuments and cultural objects. The goal is to find the perfect balance between existing types of lighting and the conditions for their implementation on these objects. Identification of mutual existence and direct embodiment taking into account all possible risk fac-tors, taking estimate the fragile state of the object to be illuminated. A typology of architectural and artistic lighting of buildings and structures, festive lighting of monuments, decoration of buildings is considered. The neces-sary factors that preserve the requirements for cultural objects have been identified. In the process of work, an analysis was made that screened out at several stages the types of lighting that were not suitable for the specifically identified parameters. The main result obtained is the initialization of factors that most correctly de-scribe the requirements for the desired type of lighting. Sorting the results accord-ing to the leading positions in the above paragraphs. And the final processing of the results for the sake of deriving an accessible type suitable for the task at hand.

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